The following sampling systems are available at the GSA for the sampling of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs):
- PM4-2 with one cartridge according to VDI 2463/7 (stationary sampling)
- GSA50 with a cartridge according to VDI 2463/7 (stationary sampling)
Stationary sampling is usually carried out with PM4-2.
The air loaded with PCP and lindane is sucked in by means of a volume flow-controlled pump (PM4-2) with a volume flow of 46 l/min. We recommend a measurement period of 2 h. PCP and lindane are sucked out of the air through the cartridge and adsorbed.
A glass fibre filter (binder-free) and two polyurethane foams, each with a diameter of 50 mm, are used as filter media.
The analytical determination is carried out by means of HRGC/LRMS (high-resolution gas chromatography/low-resolution mass spectrometry).
Limit value
Two guide values for PCP and lindane in indoor air have been defined by the Indoor Air Quality Commission:
– Guide value I: 0.1 µg/m3
– Guide value II: 1 µg/m3
Guide value I (precautionary guide value); if the guide value I is observed, no adverse health effects are to be expected even with lifelong exposure.
Guide value II (health hazard guide value); if the guide value II is reached or exceeded, immediate action is required.
For precautionary reasons, action should also be taken in the concentration range between guide value I and II, be it through technical and structural measures on the building or through changes in user behaviour.
Guide value I can serve as a target value for remediation.