Postal address:
GSA Gesellschaft für Schadstoffanalytik mbH
Christinenstraße 3
40880 Ratingen
Home address:
GSA Gesellschaft für Schadstoffanalytik mbH
Christinenstraße 3
40880 Ratingen
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 / 94 27 3 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2102 / 94 27 3 – 38
Registry Court: Amtsgericht Düsseldorf
Register number: HRB 52531
Managing directors

Brigitte Tomaschewski
Laboratory Manager

Brigitte Tomaschewski
Laboratory Manager
Masters’s degree in chemistry
Environmental protection technologist
Training and competence in accordance with TRGS 519
Qualification in accordance with GefStoffV
Qualification in radiation protection
Training and competence in accordance with BGR 128
Qualification in accordance with KrWG
Qualification in accordance WHG SCC certificate
33 Jahre experience in environmental analysis

Peter Kunzendorf
Laboratory Manager

Peter Kunzendorf
Laboratory Manager
Training and competence in accordance with TRGS 519
Qualification in accordance with GefStoffV
Qualification in radiation protection
SCC certificate
Participation in the Clean Air Committee of the Association of German Engineers and DIN
FaCH – Forum Amiante Suisse
FAGES – Swiss Association of building pollution
35 years of experience in fibre analytics, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy
VAT ID number
VAT-Id-No. according to § 27 a
UStG: DE814513828
Tax number: 147/5829/0423
Legal notice
Platform of the European Commission for online dispute resolutions:
We are not obligated or willing to participate to online dispute resolutions with a concilation board.
Responsible according to § 55 part 2 RStV:
Peter Kunzendorf, Brigitte Tomaschewski
Liability note
Despite careful checking, we assume no liability for the content of external links. Responsibility for the content of linked pages lies exclusively with the respective website provider or operator.
Publication only with written permision of the GSA Gesellschaft für Schadstoffanalytik mbH.