For the sampling of benzo(a)pyrene and other semi-volatile PAHs the following sampling system is available at the GSA:
- SG10-2 with total dust head (GSP10) for the personal and stationary sampling
In the case of personal and stationary sampling, the air loaded with benzo(a)pyrene and other semi-volatile PAHs is sucked in by means of a battery-operated and volume-flow-controlled pump (SG10-2) with a volume flow of 10 l/min. We recommend a measurement period of 2 h. The air loaded with benzo(a)pyrene and other semi-volatile PAHs flows through the PTFE filter, with a pore size of 2 µm, on which the benzo(a)pyrene and other semi-volatile PAHs are separated.
Subsequently, the analytical determination is carried out by means of HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection). The quantitative determination is carried out using multi-point calibrations with an external standard.
Limit value
– Benzo(e)pyrene
– Benzo(b)fluoranthene
– Benzo(k)fluoranthene
– Benzo(a)pyrene
– Dibenz(a,h)anthracene
– Benzo(ghi)perylene
– Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
Except for benzo[ghi]perylene, all listed PAHs are classified as carcinogenic.
According to TRGS 906, it is permissible to select the compound benzo(a)pyrene as the reference substance for pyrolysis products containing carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzo(a)pyrene is classified for humans as:
– Carcinogenicity 1B
– Germ cell mutagenicity
– Reproductive toxicity 1B
A substance-specific exposure-risk relationship (ERR) has been established for activities involving benzo(a)pyrene in PAH mixtures:
– Tolerable risk concentration
– Acceptable risk concentration